For nearly a decade, UF Health’s Precision Medicine Program has been at the forefront of genomic medicine implementation nationally and contributed to a growing evidence base in support of genotype-guided therapy. Under the leadership of its founding directors, Julie Johnson, Pharm.D., and David Nelson, M.D., the program has grown in size and stature to feature a large multidisciplinary team featuring physicians, pharmacists, informaticians and others committed to advancing research and clinical implementation of pharmacogenetic testing. Developed within the UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute, the program screens a patient’s genetic information to determine whether a specific drug can be used successfully. Clinicians and researchers in the program have led seven clinical implementations for gene-drug pairs, contributed to a growing evidence base in support of genotype-guided therapy and developed multiple education programs that are training current and future leaders in precision medicine.

Members of the Team
Advisory Members
Internal Advisory Committee
David Nelson, M.D.
internal advisory committee
Julie Johnson, Pharm.D.
internal advisory committee
Michael Clare-Salzler, M.D.
Precision Medicine – Gainesville
Larisa Cavallari, Pharm.D.
Associate director, cancer genomics
Thomas George, M.D.
associate director, molecular testing
Petr Starostik, M.D.
associate professor
Rhonda Cooper-DeHoff, Pharm.D., M.S.
Emily Cicali, Pharm.D.
Program coordinator, ignite ii
Erica Elwood, B.S.
clinical program coordinator, moonshot
Elizabeth Eddy, M.P.H.
Precision Medicine – Jacksonville
Director, Precision medicine jacksonville
Alexander Parker, M.D.
associate director, clinical genomics
Pamela Trapane, M.D.
Associate director, cancer genomics
Susanne Ragg, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate director, molecular testing
Brett Baskovich, M.D.
Program coordinator