Normal SLCO1B1 transporter function. Normal myopathy risk expected based on SLCO1B1 alone.
Important Instructions: Please use ABCG2 phenotype to select the appropriate recommendation below.
ABCG2 Normal Function
Normal ABCG2 transporter function. Normal response expected based on ABCG2 alone.
Therapeutic Recommendation
- Initiate standard dosing.
ABCG2 Decreased Function
Decreased ABCG2 transporter function. Increased chance for treatment success (i.e., lipid-lowering) based on ABCG2 alone.
Therapeutic Recommendation
- Initiate standard dosing.
ABCG2 Poor Function
Little ABCG2 transporter function. Increased chance for treatment success (i.e., lipid-lowering) and potential risk for myopathy secondary to increased drug exposure based on ABCG2 alone.
Therapeutic Recommendation
- Initiate ≤ 20 mg, if dose > 20 mg is needed, consider alternative statin or combination therapy.